Senin, 15 Februari 2016


Video: Perusakan Maqom Imam Nawawi

Video: Perusakan Maqom Imam Nawawi

Kaum Tanpa Mazhab tak henti-hentinya melakukan perusakan. Kali ini melakukan perusakan terhadap Situs Islam berusia 800 tahun yaitu Makam Imam Nawawi ~rahimahullah di Nawa, Syria

Dengan alasan syirik, mereka telah menghancurkan maqam-maqam para pendahulu Islam, Ulama, Thabi'in, Thabiut-Thabiin dan shahabat Nabi Muhammad SAW.

The Syrian branch of al-Qaeda, the al-Nusra Front, has destroyed a 13th century tomb of a revered Islamic scholar in southern Syria, a group monitoring the violence has said.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Wednesday, the mausoleum of Imam Nawawi in Nawa, near the Jordanian border, had been destroyed by the armed group.
The Syrian government's Islamic endowments ministry, which has lost control of much of Deraa province to rebel groups, condemned the bombing as an attack on the "country's history and heritage".
In a report published in late December, the UN said 290 sites across the country had been directly affected by fighting, of which 24 had been destroyed, 104 severely damaged, 85 moderately damaged and 77 possibly damaged.
Fighters belonging to the al-Qaeda affiliate and its rival, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), regard the reverence of tombs as tantamount to idolatry and have demolished shrines.
Sumber: Al-Jazeera

Nasihat kami bagi seluruh umat Islam untuk berhati-hati terhadap Kaum Tanpa Mazhab yang bersumber kepada ajaran Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab
Semoga Alloh SWT merahmati Syeikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, mengampuni segala kesalahan beliau dan kerusakan yang ditimbulkan oleh kaum yang menerima ajarannya dan memberikan pahala sesuai dengan amal baik perbuatan beliau. Amin.


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